pandemic category

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at your peril
at your peril
day 11
day 11
effing raining again
effing raining again
autumn still life
autumn still life
rainy day playtime
rainy day playtime
emergency garden meeting (covid)
emergency garden meeting (covid)
empty office space
empty office space
alas poor debenhams
alas poor debenhams
another lovely day in blunderland
another lovely day in blunderland
it's been a while
some semblance of normal life
some semblance of normal life
al fresco bridge
al fresco bridge
second dose
second dose
ventilated garden space
ventilated garden space
feel like tourists
feel like tourists
been a while
been a while
al fresco lunch
al fresco lunch
I could murder a pint
I could murder a pint
heat haze
heat haze
rule of six
rule of six
londoner's escape
valentine vax
valentine vax
not going out
not going out
ghost town (4)
ghost town (4)
social isolation
social isolation
last week
last week's paintings
the town is deserted (11.35am)
the town is deserted (11.35am)
mask up moss
mask up moss
social mist-ancing
social mist-ancing
social distanced perspective
social distanced perspective
mask triptych (2)
mask triptych (2)
mask triptych
mask triptych
socially distanced (wet) coffee
socially distanced (wet) coffee
boredom or knowledge?
boredom or knowledge?
how to wear a mask (or not)
how to wear a mask (or not)
en route to the garden
en route to the garden
twenty twenty
twenty twenty
lewes saturday
lewes saturday
this town is coming like a ghost town
this town is coming like a ghost town
last pub visit for a while
last pub visit for a while
another dreary rainy day
another dreary rainy day
monkey on agate
monkey on agate
constant distraction
constant distraction
afternoon escape
afternoon escape
social distancing (13)
social distancing (13)
self-isolation (use it or lose it)
self-isolation (use it or lose it)
we've all had enough now
al fresco dining
al fresco dining
mask recycle
mask recycle
queueing for maccy dees
queueing for maccy dees
village green
village green
all framed and up together
all framed and up together