art & graphics category

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five minute foot
five minute foot
wifey's ducks
use it or lose it
use it or lose it
life drawing friday
life drawing friday
the long and the short
the long and the short
house and garden view
house and garden view
no heaters needed today
no heaters needed today
life drawing friday
life drawing friday
fourth plinth, trafalgar sq.
fourth plinth, trafalgar sq.
norfolk signage
norfolk signage
Sir Josh and Anish
Sir Josh and Anish
a very mixed bag indeed
a very mixed bag indeed
about 6 hours so far
about 6 hours so far
life drawing friday
life drawing friday
life drawing
life drawing
dad's diary
drawing and painting interiors...
drawing and painting interiors...
best drawing
best drawing
torso and feet
torso and feet
cuckmere haven
cuckmere haven
two five minute drawings
two five minute drawings
fondation maeght
fondation maeght
you are intoxicated
you are intoxicated
not impressed
not impressed
all too human
all too human
life drawing friday
life drawing friday
totalitarian graphics
totalitarian graphics
crest, art and putto
crest, art and putto
meanin what?
meanin what?
yellow and blue
yellow and blue
life drawing friday
life drawing friday
sleep graphic
sleep graphic
life drawing friday
life drawing friday
moor street station
moor street station
reclining pose (30 min)
reclining pose (30 min)
foot and torso
foot and torso
painting in situ
painting in situ
life drawing friday
life drawing friday
prince albert mural
prince albert mural
I sold a painting
I sold a painting
come on kids
come on kids
city skyline
city skyline
three daves
three daves
self promotional card-age
self promotional card-age
brushes and bottom
brushes and bottom
life drawing friday
life drawing friday
porty art walk
porty art walk
life drawing new term
life drawing new term
icons for every platform
icons for every platform