high water very old glass cracks appear the thames barrier prismatic rustication inside the colosseum fountains of rome palazzo farnese empty spaces piramide virtually everywhere you look … pont to the max part of the forum complex pantheon brompton cemetery Do Ho Suh train shed nihil sine labore town house arundel coffered 15c. ceiling temple to mammon there was something else here... three peaks streets of lewes st. paul's covent garden avenue of red brick photo op the old uckfield platform turner prize custom house raining in brussels ancient and modern curvature on schildersstraat antwerp centraal station three nights in antwerp saint swithun nash terrace - the mall elevation tunbridge wells station (down side) hepworth at the towner interior exterior high street backs southover grange rye scene vic tor ria ... berlin hauptbahnhof leipzig nazis out bitterfeld markt stairs angles coombes church quotidiana duomo