1st Feb    stuffed

2nd Feb    classic
The old Triumph Herald isn't it?
My dad's first car was a white estate, cost ?650
GLO 496 C
Marvellous !

3rd Feb    no.12 station st.

4th Feb    styrofoam
Chucked in the bushes>
I hope they were sick on the muck.

5th Feb    the riggster

6th Feb    breakwater

7th Feb    steps

8th Feb    buddha
A rare glimpse of the blogger at work.

9th Feb    lion

10th Feb    cosmetics factory

11th Feb    heart balloons

12th Feb    bedside grauniad

13th Feb    royal crescent

14th Feb    lacock

15th Feb    unfinished portrait
10 years or thereabouts since my last oil painting.
It is such good fun and so theraputic, I am going to do more...

16th Feb    'I look old and ill'

17th Feb    lvpd willows

18th Feb    musical joke
On the streets of Lewes, above the shops, there are hiddden instructions to string players...

19th Feb    caps

20th Feb    circus st.

21st Feb    mozaic

22nd Feb    clear
a clear sky and a full moon, after some more pathetic flurries of snow.

23rd Feb    roasted peppers

24th Feb    lyn's car

25th Feb    cricket ground

26th Feb    barrier

27th Feb    impending snowstorm
A few minutes later we were inside a blizzard.
It was short-lived.

28th Feb    poster